联系方式E-mail: litianyu@hainanu.edu.cn
李天宇,男,1995年生,湖南张家界人。博士。于2024年湖南大学研究生毕业,获工学博士学位。主要从事现代竹木结构、装配式结构和组合结构等方面的研究工作。在《Engineering Structures》、《Journal of Structural Engineering》、《Construction and Building Materials》、《Structures》等国际主流期刊上发表SCI/EI论文10余篇,获专利授权5项,参编规程和图集各1部。
[1] 现代竹木结构
[2] 装配式结构
[3] 组合结构
[1] 结构工程
[2] 土木工程材料
[3] 土木水利(专硕)
[1] 博士:2020.9-2024.10,湖南大学土木工程学院,结构工程
[2] 硕士:2017.9-2020.6,湖南大学土木工程学院,结构工程
[3] 学士:2013.9-2017.6,东北石油大学土木建筑工程学院,土木工程
[1] 2024.11-至今,海南大学,土木建筑工程学院,讲师
[1] T.Y. Li, B. Shan*, Y. Xiao, Y.R. Guo, M.P. Zhang, Axially loaded single threaded rod glued in glubam joint, Construction and Building Materials, 2020.05, 244: 118302.
[2] T.Y. Li, J.Y. Deng, J.Q. Chen, Y. Xiao, B. Shan*, H. Xu, S.J. Qin, Q. Yu, Bending performance of nail-laminated bamboo-timber panels made with glubam and fast-grown plantation Chinese fir, Construction and Building Materials, 384 (2023) 131425.
[3] T.Y. Li, J.Q. Chen, Y. Xiao, J. Zhang, B. Shan*, S.Q. Dai, S.J. Qin, B. Huang, Mechanical behavior of glued-in GFRP rod in glubam: Experimental and analytical study, Construction and Building Materials, 400 (2023) 132812.
[4] T.Y. Li, J. Q. Chen, P.C. Qin, Y. Xiao, B. Shan*, Y.F. Yang, S.J. Qin*, X.L. Fu, Experimental investigation and evaluation of metal-plate-connected laminated bamboo lumber joints, Construction and Building Materials, 411 (2024) 134596.
[5] T.Y. Li, J. Q. Chen, Y. Xiao, B. Shan*, Y.Y. Li, P.C. Qin, Structural behavior of fully prefabricated glubam-concrete composite beams constructed of innovative connectors, Engineering Structures, 308 (2024) 117985.
[6] B. Shan, T.Y. Li, J.Y. Deng, Y. Zou a, Y. Xiao*, Q. Yu, C.Q. Zhang, Experimental research on novel RPC-steel composite connections for prefabricated glubam-concrete composite beams, Construction and Building Materials, 333 (2022) 127397.
[7] B. Shan, J. Qiu, H. Xu, T.Y. Li*, Y. Xiao*, S.J. Qin, L. Gao, Z. Li, Experimental research on standardized bamboo culm components for developing prefabricated bamboo building, Structures, 50 (2023) 272–285.
[8] J.Y. Deng, J.Q. Chen, Z.H. Wang, Y. Xiao, B. Shan*, T.Y. Li*, C. Xu, Axial compressive behavior and load carrying capacity prediction of prefabricated UHPC tube filled with seawater sea-sand coral aggregate concrete, Engineering Structures, 297 (2023) 117031.
[9] B. Shan, G. Wang, P.P. Lei, T.Y. Li*, Y. Xiao*, S.J. Qin, J. Chen, Experimental research on formaldehyde emission characteristics from glubam by climate chamber test, Sustainable Structures, 2023, 3(2): 000027.
[10] B. Shan, Z.Y. Wang, T.Y. Li, Y. Xiao*, Experimental and analytical investigations on short-term behavior of glubam-concrete composite beams, Journal of Structural Engineering, 2020, 146(3): 04019217.
[11] B. Shan, C.Q. Chen, J.Y. Deng, T.Y. Li, Y. Xiao*, Assessing adhesion and glue-lines in cold-pressing lamination of glubam, Construction and Building Materials, 274 (2021) 122106.
[12] B. Shan, J. Y. Deng, J. M. Wu, Q. Peng, T. Y. Li, Y. Xiao*, Mechanical Performance of Toothed Metal-Plate Connected Glubam Joints, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2022, 34(12): 04022328.
[13] B. Shan*, C. Xu C, D.D. Lai, Xiao Y*, T.Y. Li, Experimental research on compressive behavior of seawater and sea sand concrete-filled RPC tubes, Engineering Structures, 222 (2020) 111117.
[14] B. Shan, Y.T. Zhang, G. Monti, T.Y. Li, Y. Xiao*, Axial Impact Behavior of FRP-Confined Concrete Stub Columns with Square and Circular Cross Section, Journal of Composites for Construction, 2020.06, 24(3): 04020013.
[15] B. Shan, G. Liu, T.Y. Li, F.C. Liu, Z. Liu, Y. Xiao, Experimental research on seismic behavior of concrete-filled reactive powder concrete tubular columns, Engineering Structures, 233 (2021) 111921.
[16] 李天宇, 郭玉荣, 单波*, 肖岩, 装配式胶合竹-混凝土组合梁试验研究, 工业建筑, 2020.08, 50(8): 57-64+115.
[1] 实用新型;一种薄壁钢管约束超高性能混凝土剪力连接件;201920016288.8;单波,李天宇,肖岩.
[2] 实用新型;轻量化装配式竹木-混凝土组合梁;201920021718.7;单波,李天宇.
[3] 实用新型:方形节段式预应力超高性能混凝土管组合柱;201921346931.1;单波,肖岩,李天宇.
[4] 实用新型:一种正交钉合竹木板;202223366223.9;单波,肖岩,李天宇.
[5] 实用新型:一种坡屋面家庭种植系统;202223225973.4;单波,邱吉,肖岩,韩璐瑶,李天宇.
[1] 《装配式竹结构活动房屋技术规程》(T/CWPIA 4-2021),参编.
[2] 《现代工程原竹村镇住宅结构图集》(T/TSEC004-2022),参编.