陈科宇,男,中共党员,海南大学土木建筑工程学院副教授,博士生导师。博士毕业于香港科技大学,曾任香港科技大学博士后研究员、新加坡国立大学访问学者。研究内容主要为将建筑信息模型、人工智能、区块链、虚拟/混合现实、 物联网、建筑机器人、激光扫描等前沿技术应用在智能建造管理中,以提高管理效率和自动化水平。
人工智能 (AI)
虚拟/增强现实 (VR/AR)
物联网 (IoT)
* 代表通讯作者.
Chen, K., You, B., Zhang, Y., & Chen, Z. (2024). Automatic lift path planning of prefabricated building components using semantic BIM, improved A* and GA. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
Chen, K., Zhang, Y., You, B., & Li, M.*. (2024). Minimizing carbon emission of prefabricated reinforced concrete T-Beams using BIM and two-stage metaheuristic searching. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 38(1), 04023041.
Bai, H., Li, Z., Chen, K.*, & Li X. (2024). Blockchain-Based Responsibility Management Framework for Smart City Building Information Modeling Projects Using Non-Fungible Tokens.Buildings,14,3647.
Chen, Z., Wang, H., Chen, K., Song, C., Zhang, X., Wang, B. & Cheng, J. (2024). Improved coverage path planning for indoor robots based on BIM and robotic configurations. Automation in Construction, 158, 105160.
Tongrui Z., Chen,K.*, Yulian, T. & Hong, X. (2024). Developing a Blockchain-Based Framework for Digital Archiving of BIM Using Axiomatic Design, Buildings, 14, 1089.
Chen, K., Tan, Z., Zhou, H. & Tan, Y. (2023). Optimization of operations of air purifiers for control of indoor PM2.5 using BIM and CFD. Buildings, 13, 77.
Tan, Y., Xu, W., Chen, K.*, Deng, C., & Wang, P. (2022). An interactive and collaborative augmented reality environment for civil engineering education: steel reinforcement bars teaching as an example. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
Tao, X., Liu, Y., Wong, P., Chen, K., Das, M. & Cheng, J. (2022). Confidentiality-minded framework for blockchain-based BIM design collaboration. Automation in Construction, 136, 104172.
Tan, Y., Xu, W., Li, S. & Chen, K.* (2022). Augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR) for education and training in the AEC industry: A systematic review of research and applications. Buildings, 12, 1529.
Chen, Z., Chen, K.*, Song, C., Zhang, X., Cheng, J. & Li, D., (2022). Global path planning based on BIM and physics engine for UGVs in indoor environments. Automation in Construction, 104263.
Chen, Z., Chen, K.*, & Cheng, J. (2022), ISM-based analysis of VR-AEC adoption barriers and their inner mechanisms, Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 0613.
Xue, H., Zhang, T., Wang, Q., Liu, S., & Chen, K.* (2022), Developing a unified framework for data sharing in the smart construction using text analysis. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 1-21.
Chen, K., Zeng, Z., & Yang, J. (2021). A deep region-based pyramid neural network for automatic detection and multi-classification of various surface defects of aluminum alloys. Journal of Building Engineering, 102523.
Chen, K., Yang, J., Cheng, J. C., Chen, W., & Li, C. T. (2020). Transfer learning enhanced AR spatial registration for facility maintenance management. Automation in Construction, 113, 103135.
Cheng, J. C. P., Chen, K.*, Wong, K. Y., Chen, W., & Li, C. T. (2020). Graph-based network generation and cctv processing techniques for fire evacuation. Building Research and Information (1), 49(2), 1-18.
Chen, K., Chen, W., Cheng, Jack C. P.*, Wang Q. (2020). Developing Efficient Mechanisms for BIM-to-AR/VR Data Transfer. ASCE's Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 34(5), 04020037
Cheng, J. C. P., Chen, K.*, & Chen, W. (2019). State-of-the-art review on mixed reality applications in the AECO industry. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 146(2), 03119009.
Chen, K., Chen, W., Li, C.T., Cheng, Jack C. P.*, (2019). A BIM-based location aware AR collaborative framework for facility maintenance management. Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), 24(19), 360-380
Chen, W., Chen, K., Cheng, J. C.*, Wang, Q., & Gan, V. J. (2018). BIM-based framework for automatic scheduling of facility maintenance work orders. Automation in Construction, 91, 15-30.
Cheng, J. C., Chen, W.*, Chen, K., & Wang, Q. (2020). Data-driven predictive maintenance planning framework for MEP components based on BIM and IoT using machine learning algorithms. Automation in Construction, 112, 103087.
Li, C. T., Cheng, J. C.*, & Chen, K. (2020). Top 10 technologies for indoor positioning on construction sites. Automation in Construction, 118, 103309.
Ma, J., Cheng, Jack C. P., Ding, Y., Chen, K., Jiang, F., (2020) Identification of the Most Influential Areas for Air Pollution Control Using XGBoost and Grid Importance Rank. Journal of Cleaner Production
2023/01 至 2026/12,国家自然科学基金,基于区块链的建筑信息模型数据归档关键技术研究,28万,在研,主持。
2022/04 至 2025/03,海南省自然科学基金,基于区块链技术的BIM模型数字归档系统框架设计研究,6万,在研,主持
2022/01 至 2025/12,国家自然科学基金,建筑产业工人知识转移形成机理与网络关系研究,30万,在研,参与。
2022/05 至 2024/05,横向课题,建筑施工现场人员智能管理技术,15.75万,在研,主持。
2019/09 至 2020/12,香港科技大学学校项目, Digital Twins for HKUST Campus,港币90万,完结,共同主持。
2019-11至2022-11,广东省重点领域研发计划项目,基于建筑信息模型和人工智能技术的建筑机器人研究与应用示范, 160万,在研,参与。
2018-07至2020-12,香港创新及科技基金, Automated BIM Generation Based on UAV and Indoor 3D Laser Scanning Technologies,港币340万,完结,参与。
2015-09至2017-09,香港创新及科技基金, Enabling Technology for IoT Mesh Network and Building Information Model for Building Life Cycle Management,港币401万,完结,参与。
Automation in Construction
Journal of Building Engineering
Artificial Intelligence Review
ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
Building Research and Information
Computers and Structures
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
Journal of Cleaner Production
Advances in Civil Engineering
IEEE Access
E-mail: 995140@hainanu.edu.cn