陈博珊,男,1990年生,海南儋州人,工学博士(后), 研究员,硕士生导师,海南省D类高层次人才。清华大学助理研究员/博士后,合作导师王元清教授。澳大利亚新南威尔士大学访问学者(QS2024世界第19名),合作导师澳大利亚技术科学与工程院院士Brian Uy教授。本科毕业于北京科技大学,博士毕业于新西兰奥克兰大学(QS2024世界第68名)。 2023年以清华大学土木系唯一博士后身份入选全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单,同时入选国家级博士后人才计划“博士后国际交流计划引进项目”(全国400名)和清华大学高层次青年人才计划“水木学者”(全校200人)。此外,获得各类奖励及荣誉 10余项,包括奥克兰大学博士毕业生最高奖项“院长荣誉奖”(Dean’s List)(全校5%),北京市普通高等学校优秀毕业生和国家留学基金委全额奖学金。
主要从事不锈钢,复合钢等高性能钢结构稳定性能,腐蚀影响下钢结构承载性能和不锈钢与混凝土组合结构等方向研究。作为项目负责人主持国自然基金课题1项和省部级课题2项。参与企业课题,国家重点研发计划项目,国自然基金项目,澳大利亚研究理事会ARC项目等十余项。近些年,在土木工程领域国际顶尖SCI期刊发表60篇论文,包括顶尖期刊《Engineering Structures》、《Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE》、《Thin-walled Structures》、《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》等,其中以一作/通讯作者发表SCI论文32篇(中科院一区Top 20篇,二区12篇)。2篇论文入选ESI“高被引论文”。截止2024年12月,谷歌学术总被引用次数为1657次,H-index为23. 授权2项国家发明专利和17项实用新型专利。
[1] 不锈钢,冷弯薄壁钢,高强钢, 铝合金,双金属复合钢等高性能钢结构稳定性能研究
[2] 3D打印高性能钢结构性能研究
[3] 基于深度学习的钢结构性能研究
[4] 腐蚀影响下钢结构性能研究
[5] 不锈钢与混凝土组合结构
[1] 2024.07-至今 海南大学 研究员
[2] 2024.01-2024.06新南威尔士大学 访问学者
[3] 2021.12-2024.06清华大学 助理研究员/博士后
[1] 钢结构基本原理
[2] 土木工程材料
[3] 专业前沿研讨
[4] 高等结构设计理论
[1] 2024年,海南省自由贸易港D类高层次人才, 海南省人民政府
[2] 2023 年,全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单(World’s Top 2% Scientists),美国斯坦福大学和爱思唯尔出版社
[3] 2022年, 国家级博后人才计划“博士后国际交流计划引进项目”(全国400人),人社部和全国博士后管委会。
[4] 2021 年,高层次青年人才计划 “水木学者人才项目” (全校200人),清华大学
[5] 2022年,2篇ESI“高被引论文” (Highly Cited Papers),科睿唯安(Clarivate)
[6] 2021 年,优秀毕业生“院长荣誉奖”(Dean’s list) (全校前5%),新西兰奥克兰大学
[7] 2018 年,公派研究生项目攻读博士学位全额奖学金,CSC国家留学基金委
[8] 2016 年,北京市普通高等学校优秀毕业生, 北京市教育委员会
[1] 腹板开孔不锈钢焊接工字形梁局部稳定机理及承载力分析方法(52208176),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,主持,20万, 2022-2024, 在研。
[2] 腹板开孔高强不锈钢工字形梁稳定机理及承载力分析方法(YJ20220131),中国博士后国际交流计划引进项目,主持,60万,2022-2023, 结题。
[3] 腹板开孔不锈钢工字形梁整体稳定性能和承载力研究(2022M711860),中国博士后科学基金面上项目,主持,8万,2022-2023, 结题。
[4] 高强不锈钢焊接工字型梁局部稳定和设计方法(2021SM006),清华大学“水木学者计划”项目,主持,60万, 2021-2023, 结题。
[1] 国际期刊《Innovations in Applied Engineering and Technology》主编
[2] 国际SCI期刊《Remote Sensing》主题编辑
[3] 国际SCI期刊《Sustainability》主题编辑
[4] 国际SCI期刊《Sensors》主题编辑
[5] 国际SCI期刊《Metals》主题编辑
[6] 国际SCI期刊《Materials》主题编辑
[7] 国际SCI期刊《Buildings》主题编辑
[8] 国际SCI期刊《Buildings》编委
[9] 国际SCI期刊《Construction Materials》编委
[10] 国际SCI期刊《The Open Civil Engineering Journal》编委
[11] 国际期刊《Sustainable Structures》青年编委
[12] 国内期刊《海南大学学报(自然科学版)》青年编委
[13] 中国钢结构协会结构稳定与疲劳分会青年理事
[14] 中国工程建设标准化协会轻型钢结构专业委员会委员
[15] 美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)会员
[16] 国家自然科学基金委通讯评议专家
[17] 第三届高性能钢材钢结构国际研讨会(HPSSRC)分论坛主席
[18] 国际期刊《Engineering Structures》, 《Thin-Walled Structures》, 《Construction and Building Materials》等审稿人
[1] Boshan Chen, Youtian Wang, Lisheng Luo, Junzhi Liu, Cheng Huang, Tianlong Zhang, Letian Hai, An experimental study on the reduced resistance of perforated S32001 high-strength stainless steel girder under localized loading, Engineering Structures, accepted. (IF=5.6, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (第一作者)(海南大学第一单位)
[2] Boshan Chen, Yecheng Dai, Yuanqing Wang, Youtian Wang, Yuchen Song, Lisheng Luo, Letian Hai. Patch-loading resistance of QN1803 and S32001 high-strength stainless steel plate girders: Experimental study and numerical simulation. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 112681 (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (第一作者) (海南大学第一单位)
[3] Boshan Chen, Yecheng Dai, Wei Wang, Youtian Wange, Lisheng Luo, Peng Dai*, James Lim. An experimental study on web-bearing resistance of cold-formed steel sigma-shaped sections with web holes under interior-two-flange loading case. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024: 112579 (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (第一作者) (海南大学第一单位)
[4] Boshan Chen, Yuanqing Wang, Youtian Wang, Lisheng Luo, Beibei Li, James B.P. Lim, Yecheng Dai*. New design recommendations for QN1803 high-strength stainless-steel plate girders with web openings in shear. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 221: 108907 (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (第一作者) (海南大学第一单位)
[5] Yecheng Dai, Boshan Chen*, Youtian Wang, Quanxi Ye, Lisheng Luo, Beibei Li, Letian Hai, Parametric study and new design recommendations for high-strength stainless steel plate girders under patch loading, Structures, 2024, accepted. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (通讯作者) (海南大学为单位)
[6] Xiaoling Liu, Dongdong Xu, Yuanqing Wang, Boshan Chen*, Huanxin Yuan, Effect of variable-thickness webs on shear buckling performance of welded steel plate girders: Numerical analysis and proposed design rules, Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 199:111838. (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (通讯作者) (海南大学为单位)
[7] Youtian Wang, Boshan Chen*, Jia Wang, Lisheng Luo, Beibei Li, Quanxi Ye, Letian Hai, Effect of web openings on the patch-loading resistance of QN 1803 high-strength stainless steel plate girders, Thin-Walled Structures, 2024: accepted (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (通讯作者) (海南大学为单位)
[8] Lin Zhu, Yue Jiang, Ziyuan Liu, Youtian Wang, Wei Wang, Boshan Chen*, Web crippling behaviour of high-strength aluminium alloy channel-shaped members with strengthened web holes: Numerical study and new design rules, Structures, 2024, 65: 106690. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (通讯作者) (海南大学为单位)
[9] Beibei Li, Feng Shen, Yanjun Tong, Shuai Mo, Boshan Chen, Jinfeng Wang, Yuanqing Wang. Testing and design methods for high-strength aluminium alloy CHS members under combined axial compression and bending, Structures, 2024, 67:106995. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区)(海南大学为单位)
[10] Beibei Li, Guoqing Li, Jinfeng Wang, Boshan Chen, Yuanqing Wang, Yecheng Dai, Gang Dong, Residual stress tests and predictive model of friction stir welded normal-strength aluminium alloy H-shaped sections, Engineering Structures, 2024, 319:118789 (IF=5.6, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (海南大学为单位)
[11] Yecheng Dai, Gary M. Raftery, Krishanu Roy, Iman Hajirasouliha, Zhiyuan Fang, Boshan Chen, James Lim. Flexural behavior of novel unsymmetrical cold-formed steel built-up stiffened box sections: experimental and numerical investigations. Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 2024, 151:04024212. (IF=3.31, JCR Q1,中科院3区)(海南大学为单位)
[12] Huiyong Ban, Zhuo Zeng, Linbo Zhang, Qinghe Wang, Boshan Chen, Peng Dai. Numerical analysis and design of axially-loaded concrete-filled stainless-clad bimetallic steel tubular slender columns. Structures, 2024, 70:107711 (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区)(海南大学为单位)
[13] Lisheng Luo, Chunlei Xu, Yongqiang Zhang, Chen Pan, Boshan Chen, Global buckling bearing capacity of corroded H-section steel beams, Structures, 2024, 69: 107552 (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区)(海南大学为第一单位)
[14] Boshan Chen, Yuanqing Wang, Jun Ye, James B.P. Lim, Letian Hai*, Shear resistance of perforated QN1803 high-strength stainless steel plate girders through experimental testing and numerical analysis, Thin-Walled Structures, (2023) 111505 (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (第一作者).
[15] Boshan Chen, Yuanqing Wang, Zhe Xing, James B.P. Lim, Letian Hai*, Material properties and shear behaviour of QN1803 high-strength stainless steel plate girders, Engineering Structures, 301(2024) 117209. (IF=5.6, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (第一作者).
[16] Boshan Chen, Yuanqing Wang, Dongdong Xu, Zhongxing Wang, Xiaoling Liu*, James B.P. Lim, An experimental study on shear resistance of austenitic and duplex stainless steel plate girders with perforated webs, Engineering Structures, 295(2023)116823. (IF=5.6, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (第一作者).
[17] Boshan Chen, Yuanqing Wang, Dongdong Xu*, Huanxin Yuan, Libo Yan, Shear performance and design rules for welded stainless steel I-shaped members with web openings, Thin-Walled Structures, 188 (2023) 110803 (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (第一作者).
[18] Boshan Chen, Yuanqing Wang, Dongdong Xu*, Huanxin Yuan, Libo Yan, Finite element analysis and proposed design rules for 304D high-strength stainless steel I-shaped members in shear, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 204(2023): 107861. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (第一作者).
[19] Boshan Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Zhiyuan Fang, Asraf Uzzaman, Cao Hung Pham, Gary Raftery, James B.P. Lim. Shear capacity of cold-formed steel channels with edge-stiffened web holes, unstiffened web holes, and plain webs, Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 148(2022): 04021268. (IF=3.31, JCR Q1,中科院3区). (第一作者).
[20] Boshan Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Zhiyuan Fang, Asraf Uzzaman, Yaohui Chi, James B.P. Lim. Web crippling capacity of fastened cold-formed steel channels with edge-stiffened web holes, un-stiffened web holes and plain webs under two-flange loading, Thin-Walled Structures, 163 (2021) 107666. (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top). (第一作者).
[21] Boshan Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Zhiyuan Fang, Asraf Uzzaman, Gary Raftery, James B.P. Lim. Moment capacity of back-to-back cold-formed steel channels with edge-stiffened holes, un-stiffened holes, and plain webs, Engineering Structures, 235 (2021) 112042. (IF=5.6, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (第一作者).
[22] Boshan Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Asraf Uzzaman, James B.P. Lim. Moment capacity of cold-formed channel beams with edge-stiffened web holes, un-stiffened web holes and plain webs, Thin-Walled Structures, 157 (2020) 107070 (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top). (第一作者).
[23] Boshan Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Asraf Uzzaman, Gary Raftery, James B.P. Lim*. Parametric study and simplified design equations for cold-formed steel channels with edge-stiffened holes under axial compression. Journal of constructional steel research, 172 (2020) 106161. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (第一作者).
[24] Boshan Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Asraf Uzzaman, Gary Raftery, James B.P. Lim. Axial strength of back-to-back cold-formed steel channels with edge-stiffened holes, un-stiffened holes and plain webs. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 174 (2020) 106313. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (第一作者).
[25] Boshan Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Asraf Uzzaman, Gary Raftery, David Nash, Charles Clifton, Pouya Pouladi, James B.P. Lim*. Effects of edge-stiffened web openings on the behaviour of cold-formed steel channel sections under compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 144 (2019) 106307. (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top). (第一作者).
[26] Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen*, Zhiyuan Fang, Asraf Uzzaman, Xin Chen, James B.P. Lim. Local and distortional buckling behaviour of back-to-back built-up aluminium alloy channel section columns, Thin-Walled Structures, 163(2021), 107713. (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (通讯作者)
[27] Jinyou Zhao*, Jiaqi He, Boshan Chen*, Wenying Zhang, Shaole Yu. Test and direct strength method on slotted perforated cold-formed steel channels subjected to eccentric compression. Engineering Structures, 285 (2023) 116082. (IF=5.6, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (通讯作者)
[28] Ran Feng, Tao Yang, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy, Boshan Chen*, James B.P. Lim. Finite-element analysis and design of aluminum alloy RHSs and SHSs with circular through-holes in bending. Steel and Composite Structures, 2023, 46(3):353-366. (IF=6.144, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (通讯作者)
[29] Ran Feng, Zhipeng Huang, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen*, James B.P. Lim. Experimental study on material properties and stress concentration factors of stainless-steel hybrid tubular joints. Construction and Building Materials, 267 (2021) 121103 (IF= 7.4, JCR Q1,中科院1区) (通讯作者).
[30] Ran Feng, Chi Tang, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen*, James B.P. Lim. A numerical study and proposed design rules for stress concentration factors of stainless steel hybrid tubular K-joints. Engineering Structures, 233(2021)111916 (IF=5.6, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (通讯作者)
[31] Ran Feng*, Jiarui Liu, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy, Boshan Chen*, James B.P. Lim. Numerical investigation and design rules for flexural capacities of H-section high-strength steel beams with web openings. Engineering Structures, 225 (2020) 111278. (IF=5.6, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (通讯作者)
[32] Ran Feng, Chaoqun Wu, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy, Boshan Chen*, James B.P. Lim. Finite element modelling and proposed design rules of stainless steel hybrid tubular joints with square braces and circular chord. Journal of constructional steel research, 179(2021)106557. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (通讯作者)
[33] Ran Feng, Jiacheng Xu, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen*, James B.P. Lim. Numerical investigation and design rules for stress concentration factors of stainless-steel hybrid tubular joints. Thin-Walled Structures, 163(2021) 107783 (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (通讯作者).
[34] Ran Feng, Long Chen, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen*, James B.P. Lim. Nonlinear behaviour and design of stainless steel hybrid tubular K-joints with SHS-to-CHS. Journal of constructional steel research, 183(2021)106704. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (通讯作者)
[35] Ran Feng, Long Chen, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen*, James B.P. Lim. Experiments on stainless steel hybrid K-joints with square braces and circular chord. Journal of constructional steel research, 185(2021)106865. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (通讯作者)
[36] Ran Feng*, Xinling Mou, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy, Boshan Chen*, James B.P. Lim. Finite-element modelling and design guidelines for axial capacity of aluminium alloy circular hollow sections with holes. Thin-Walled Structures, 157 (2020) 107027 (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top) (通讯作者).
[37] Ran Feng, Jindi Pan, Jingzhou Zhang, Yongbo Shao, Boshan Chen*, Zhiyuan Fang, Krishanu Roy, James B.P. Lim, Effects of corrosion morphology on the fatigue life of corroded Q235B and 42CrMo steels: numerical modelling and proposed design rules. Structures, 57(2023)105136 (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (通讯作者).
[38] Ran Feng, Fuming Yang, Yongbo Shao, Krishanu Roy, James Lim, Boshan Chen*. Experimental study on high-cycle fatigue behaviour of butt welds made of corroded AISI 304 stainless steel and Q460 high-strength steel, Structures, 62(2024):106141 (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区) (通讯作者).
[39] Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen, Zhiyuan Fang, Asraf Uzzaman, James B.P. Lim. Axial capacity of back-to-back built-up aluminium alloy channel section columns, Journal of Structural Engineering-ASCE, 148 (2) (2022): 04021265. (IF=3.31, JCR Q1,中科院3区)
[40] Jinyou Zhao*, Shuo Liu, Boshan Chen. Axial strength of slotted perforated cold-formed steel channels under pinned- pinned boundary conditions. Journal of constructional steel research, 200(2023)107673. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区)
[41] Yaohui Chi, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen, Zhiyuan Fang, Asraf Uzzaman, G. Beulah Gnana Ananthi, James B.P. Lim. Effect of web hole spacing on axial capacity of back-to-back cold-formed steel channels with edge-stiffened holes, Steel and composite Structures, 40(2021):287-305 (IF=6.144, JCR Q1, 中科院2区)
[42] Ran Feng*, Zhipeng Huang, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim. Finite-element analysis and design of stainless-steel CHS-to-SHS hybrid tubular joints under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 151(2020) 106728. (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top)
[43] Krishanu Roy*, Hieng Ho Lau, Tina Chui Huon Ting, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim. Flexural capacity of gapped built-up cold-formed steel channel sections including web stiffeners. Journal of constructional steel research, 172 (2020) 106154 (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区)
[44] Ran Feng*, Chaoqun Wu, Zhenming Chen, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim. An experimental study on stainless steel hybrid tubular joints with square braces and circular chord. Thin-Walled Structures, 155 (2020) 106919 (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top)
[45] Ran Feng*, Chi Tang, Krishanu Roy*, Zhenming Chen, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim. An experimental study on stress concentration factors of stainless steel hybrid tubular K-joints. Thin-Walled Structures, 157 (2020) 107064 (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top)
[46] Krishanu Roy*, Hieng Ho Lau, Tina Chui Huon Ting, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim. Flexural behaviour of back-to-back built-up cold-formed steel channel beams-Experiments and finite element modelling. Structures, 29 (2021) 235–253 (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区)
[47] Ran Feng*, Zhenming Chen, Chengdong Shen, Krishanu Roy, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim. Flexural capacity of perforated aluminium CHS tubes–An experimental study. Structures, 25(2020),463-480. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区)
[48] G. Beulah Gnana Ananthi, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim. Testing, simulation and design of back-to-back built-up cold-formed steel unequal angle sections under axial compression. Steel and Composite Structures, 33 (2019) 4: 595-614 (IF=6.144, JCR Q1,中科院2区)
[49] Zhiyuan Fang, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen, Chiu-Wing Sham, Iman Hajirasouliha, James B.P. Lim*. Deep learning-based procedure for structural design of cold-formed steel channel sections with edge-stiffened and un-stiffened holes under axial compression. Thin-Walled Structures, 166(2021)108076 (IF=6.4, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top)
[50] Zhiyuan Fang, Krishanu Roy*, Jiri Mares, Chiu-Wing Sham, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim*. Deep learning-based axial capacity prediction for cold-formed steel channel sections using Deep Belief Network. Structures, 33(2021):2792-2802 (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区).
[51] Hooman Rezaeian*, Krishanu Roy, Mohamma Yekrangnia, Boshan Chen, James B.P.Lim. Tests, numerical modelling and design of a novel cold-formed steel Tab connection. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 185 (2021) 106846. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区)
[52] Zhiyuan Fang, Krishanu Roy*, Yaohui Chi*, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim, Finite element analysis and proposed design rules for cold-formed stainless steel channels with web holes under end-one-flange loading. Structures, 34(2021)2876–2899. (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区).
[53] Yecheng Dai, Krishanu Roy*, Zhiyuan Fang, Boshan Chen, Gary M. Raftery, James B.P. Lim, A novel machine learning model to predict the moment capacity of cold-formed steel channel beams with edge-stiffened and un-stiffened web holes. Journal of Building Engineering, 53(2022) 104592 (IF=7.14, JCR Q1, 中科院2区Top).
[54] Zhiyuan Fang, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen, Zhengxin Xie, James B.P. Lim, Local and distortional buckling behaviour of aluminium alloy back-to-back channels with web holes under axial compression. Journal of Building Engineering, 47(2022) 103837 (IF=7.14, JCR Q1,中科院2区Top).
[55] Zhiyuan Fang, Krishanu Roy*, Boshan Chen, Zhengxin Xie, Jason Ingham, James B.P.Lim, Effect of the web hole size on the axial capacity of back-to-back aluminium alloy channel section columns, Engineering Structures, 260(2022) 114238. (IF=5.6, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top)
[56] Zhiyuan Fang, Krishanu Roy*, Sujith Padiyara, Boshan Chen, James B.P. Lim. Web crippling design of cold-formed stainless steel channels under interior-two-flange loading condition using deep belief network Structures, 2023, 47: 1967-1990 (IF=4.1, JCR Q1,中科院2区).
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[59] Yecheng Dai, Krishanu Roy*, Zhiyuan Fang, Boshan Chen, Gary M. Raftery, James B.P. Lim, Buckling resistance of axially loaded cold-formed steel built-up stiffened box sections through experimental testing and finite element analysis, Engineering Structures, 2023,302,117379 (IF=5.6, JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top)
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